I did get another length woven on the bib material yesterday. I intend to spend some quality time with that warp this next week. It's threatening to become a dog on the loom, and the best way I know to prevent this awful occurence is to weave it up quickly!
I'm starting to consider my next warp on the Newcomb (after the bibs). Some of the ideas I'm kicking around are: a painted warp shawl. I still have some lovely blues and purples, and I might be able to make it into a collapsed weave if my light purple wool will coordinate. That would be interesting. I also have a painted warp in yellows, golds, and rust browns. It was also going to be shawls, but now I'm wondering if I have enough length (12 yd.) to make a double bed spread. It would certainly be bright and cheery. I have made one coverlet -and swore it would be the last - but who knows? I also would like to make a catalogne. I'm probably spelling it wrong, but it's a bed cover made with very thinly cut rags, so it comes out heavier than a coverlet of wool and cotton, but much lighter than a rag rug. This planning and deciding is one of my favorite parts of the weaving process. So many choices! Below is a photo of the coverlet I wove several years ago.

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