Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice storm cometh

I've always paid attention to weather.  I love the outdoors and try to get out for a walk several times a week, so I notice nuances of wind and moisture.  Sometimes, though, nature takes front seat and demands more of your attention and energy.

We had a doozy of an ice storm, and now are in the deep freeze.  This means more attention on keeping the wood stove full and wood brought in, thinking ahead to heat water and warm up food on the wood stove because we were without power for over a day.

Thankfully, the power is back on.  I wove off the last of the rug warp on the Hammett and am in the process of re-warping it for more rugs.  I have the Newcomb warped up with the painted warp and wool stripes.  I ran a sample of different wefts, and I'm not sure I'm going to get much collapse, drat it, but it should be pretty nonetheless.

Tomorrow I hope to finish a bib, and see how that project pans out.

Here's a photo of our ice storm.  I took a walk through a field, well away from crashing tree limbs and power lines.


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