We are finally getting some rain, so when I came home this evening (after dark), I went to the front door to let the dog in, and found water on the floor, coming from the upper door frame. The door opens onto a porch and there's a balcony right above. So I let the dog in, wiped up the water with a towel and left a towel in place, then went up to the balcony. Sure enough, the roof gutter makes a turn at that inside corner, and the caulking on those two pieces of gutter was gone, and water was streaming down onto the balcony, then on down the wall to the porch and door frame.
I drug out my flashlight and step stool and made sure the gutter was clear, which it was, mostly. Then I cast about looking for something to stick in that gutter crack. A plastic shopping bag did nothing. This room opens on to the loom room, so that's where I was looking for inspiration, and happened to see some wool thrums hanging up, just waiting for such an opportunity. I took my little Leatherman tool and the wool thrums back to the step stool on the porch and started poking. I got it stopped for the most part, down to a drip, anyhow. Just for good measure, I tromped out in the yard and dug out a piece of old guttering and propped it up under the drip to work as a funnel. Guess I'll be getting the caulk gun out the first clear day - as well as figuring out why that cleared gutter isn't draining like it should. Gutter work is not my favorite, but has to be done.
I also took the first tea towel off the loom today. This is the Foursquare pattern. I ran a zig zag on the ends and washed and dried it.
Here's Side 1:

Here's Side 2:

It's really difficult for me to see how this is not Summer and Winter. It looks like opposites to me and a dark side and a light side. Maybe someone smart in these things (like Ann) can explain it. But, whatever it is, it's pretty.
I just added another 4 threads to each side in a straight twill for an edge but the edges of the pattern are different enough that the sides are different.

(I stuck a white envelope under the edges so you can see.) So, tomorrow, I'll monkey with those until I like them before going forward! And tonight, I get to sleep to the sound of rain!
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