To date, I've bought 10 balls. Seven of them are for friends, but I've only been to 2 of the 14 (I think) Woolworth's in Berlin.

A couple days ago, at the first Woolworth's, I also found 90% wool 10% alpaca bulky on sale for 1 E per 100 g. I bought all they had (only 6 ;-( ) and made my daughter a pair of felted slippers.

This is a free pattern from Ravelry (Drops Slippers). They're a quick knit but I did have to sew a couple darts in the back part to decrease the foot opening. It works, but I'm making another pair and am going to try just running a basting stitch (using the yarn) around the back and drawing it up before felting. We'll see how that goes.
Anyhow, the front fits her foot perfectly and they really have a medieval court look about them.
It's been very gray here, which is about what I expect from November. They are a little further north than I am in Missouri, which means fewer daylight hours. That, with the gray skies, leads to lots of hot drinks and knitting. Good thing the yarn's so cheap.
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I love good sock yarn that is cheap! Keep shopping!!!