In the meantime, in my pastime of weaving, I've been weaving a rug for a young friend who's getting married.

This is Pendleton worm. I saved my neutrals/solids when I recently cleared my raw product of worms of all other colors. The background is light blue, the window squares dark blue. I warped enough for two rugs, and I'm glad I did. Though difficult to get a good read on until it's off the loom, it seems to be very............uhmmmm, blue. I don't think they have anything against blue, but still, it's really ..... blue.
I felt lucky to get this one completed working late afternoons and evenings this week. Today I sewed other colors together, and will weave another rug this weekend - hopefully less blue. I'm on a time constraint for this gift - no pressure!
I also hope to get the coverlet pieces machine stitched and hemmed this weekend. (I only work from 2:00 - 10:00 p.m. tomorrow, and have Sunday off.)
In other odd things this week, I learned by happenstance that my iPad2 does not actually send photos anywhere when you choose that option and put in an email address. Which means photos of my art entry, which I blithely sent from my iPad a couple weeks ago, never got there. Luckily, I had permission to be late with my entry, and sent photos off last night, using my dinosaur desktop. Note to self: when sending anything important, CC yourself so you know if it sent.
My refrigerator was bereft of food this evening, so I drove to the grocery and picked up supper:

Don't know if you can see, but that's freshly smoked pork steak, slaw and Shock Top. It's going to be great, and my dog is anxiously awaiting the leavings of the pork steak.
Hopefully,next week I'll have enough breathing room to start eating healthier than this week has been. Here's where I'll start: my garden:

But right now, it's take-out from the local grocery and no alarm tomorrow morning. Bon appetit!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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