they go round and round (Joni Mitchell). After a summer from the Mojave, we got rain in August, and fairly steadily since then, but not, everyone thought, enough to make a difference in fall color. I mean EVERYONE thought we were done, burnt toast, no way. But the amazing fact is, it's been the prettiest fall we've had in years.
Taken at a Conservation Area near my house - my favorite walking site when the ticks, chiggers and snakes head for their dens, die out, or whatever.
There are some color combos to think about in the woods right now. Orange is not one of my favorite colors to wear, but..... It works for some people, and it sure works in nature.
As it happens, I'll be dyeing some Tencel warps tomorrow with a weaving buddy. We'll see what colors I end up with. I like to go into a dye day with some basic ideas, but sometimes they just don't work out. That first swab, on the very end of the warp that won't be used anyhow, sometimes screams ugly things at me. After not listening to it and ending up with a couple warps that I hated from the get go, and weaving cloth that I hated from the get go, I decided life is too short.
I have my car packed - everything from a table to my color wheel, the six Tencel warps are soaking in the soda ash solution, along with a special tye dye project, and I have two 12 yard, 700+ends warps in bags to go into the soda ash as there's room, in case I get completely froggy about this tomorrow.
Dyeing warps is a bit like having a baby - you know, forgetting how much labor actually hurts? I always forget how much it hurts my hands to rinse out the warps, so this time, I over-dyed some shawls in a dyepot a couple days ago, as a reminder, and even after the aches of rinsing those out, I still have the extra warps packed. Glutton for punishment.
I am in a bit of a time crunch with this (and my other projects - more on that later) as I'm headed to Germany for two weeks starting Nov. 1, and I have multiple lists and piles of things to pack, finish, etc. all over the living room, BUT, I hope I can remember that all those warps don't have to be washed out in the SAME DAY. That's hard for me to do - not just work like a mad woman until it's done. We'll see.
So, other projects: I would dearly love to get a batch of soap made before I go, so it can be curing and ready by Christmas either as is, or remilled, again, depending on time. I have a pair of socks to finish for a friend. I want those done by Saturday and hope I get my way on this one.
I'm making myself sit and knit some each evening, which is fine, and would be no problem except last week I also started a knitted purse to be felted. I have the bottom done, ready to go up the sides, and I'm itching to be knitting on it. But the socks come first.
I have the overshot tea towel warp threaded and tied to the back beam, hopefully to be beamed and woven on at least a little before I go.
Several other small trips are in the plans before I go overseas, but that's just life, isn't it?
We had a lovely thunderstorm roll through this evening, and the temperature has dropped about 30 degrees. Beautiful clouds and sky colors. Should be a clear afternoon tomorrow for dyeing.
While walking yesterday, I also found this wildflower. I'm such a nut for purple.
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