I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. Actually, that's not true. I can believe it. I have been incredibly busy. As always, spring means much more to do outside, and I've been busy building raised beds and planting them, mulching trees and hostas, weeding, etc. Plus my first grandchild was born last month. So, weaving has been sproradic at best.
I did get the Pendleton rug warp worked off and am now in process of winding warp for rag placemats and table runners. I'm using a two tone green warp with a black accent thread every inch.
I am on my third shawl on the painted warp which was the subject of my last post. I've used a different color weft for each so far, which makes for unique and individual pieces. The photo below isn't real accurate for colors. They're much deeper than the photo shows. I may try another take tomorrow to see if I can get the light right. But, it's enough to give an idea of the colors coming out.
I have wound 10/2 mercerized in a silver color to try another painted warp. I hope to get that washed and ready to dye next week. I am still trying for "evening sunset in winter" colors. We'll see what I get this time! Always an adventure!